Amazon Flex offers these delivery opportunities:
• Pick up packages from an Amazon delivery station and deliver directly to customers. Delivery blocks are typically 3-6 hours.
• Prime Now and Amazon Fresh: Pick up groceries or household items from an Amazon delivery station and deliver directly to customers. Delivery blocks are
typically 2-4 hours.
• Store Orders: Pick up orders from local stores and deliver directly to customers. Delivery blocks are typically 2-4 hours.
• Instant Offers: Available in some areas. Instant Offers are deliveries that start near your current location. Deliveries usually last 15-45 minutes.
• Pick up packages from an Amazon delivery station and deliver directly to customers. Delivery blocks are typically 3-6 hours.
• Prime Now and Amazon Fresh: Pick up groceries or household items from an Amazon delivery station and deliver directly to customers. Delivery blocks are
typically 2-4 hours.
• Store Orders: Pick up orders from local stores and deliver directly to customers. Delivery blocks are typically 2-4 hours.
• Instant Offers: Available in some areas. Instant Offers are deliveries that start near your current location. Deliveries usually last 15-45 minutes.